Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bulk Jupiter - letter request for rescue

Good day. Thank you Santo Papa Francis for your message on Mercy and Compassion, we really need that in the Philippines.  I am the relative of one of the missing seafarers of Bulk Jupiter that sank last January 2, 2015. We have been waiting for the Philippines rescue team to help in finding the 16 missing Filipino seafarers.  We are feeling sorrowful that our brother  Reydante and other seamen are still missing up to now .

As we grieve, we would like to thank all foreign rescuers  - Vietnam, Oman , other countries  for their immediate help last Jan.2 , 2015  and media for the public awareness that Bulk Jupiter sank and 16 seamen need help.  I pray that Foreign rescuers - Malaysia, GearBulk  others be protected and led by God as they continue to help in the rescue operation to find the 16 missing Filipino seamen.  Where are you Philippines rescue team ? Families and friends  of missing seamen are praying that the 16 Filipino seamen are still alive God willing.  Filipino seamen  are hardworking they  just want to earn a decent living to  raise , help their families.  They are worth saving. Thank you to all people who cried with us.  All your prayers, kind words are so comforting to us.

Moreover, we understand if  President Noynoy   attended Vice Ganda and Dongyan events. Good for him, if that will make him happy and relaxed.  After that maybe it’s about time to   consider  to assign a person in charge  to help in finding the 16 missing seafarers. We are wondering when they will help in the rescue operation? Looks like they seem hesitant to help in the rescue operation?  This is so frustrating to us.  President Noynoy please be reminded that these ordinary people voted for you, we also showed compassion to you when your parents died.  But now, you seemed ignoring the ordinary people ,we have to beg for your mercy and compassion to send a rescue team.

When will the Philippines rescue team help?  Seems, they are not rescuing at all. This is so sad and disappointing. But we keep on waiting because I realized that the truth is we, ORDINARY people, we are NOT  really the “boss” in the Philippines so we should wait and just keep on praying.  We need to comfort ourselves, Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength....” . I believed God will also deal with the  government leader who has the means to send rescue but did not do so .

Grieving and trusting God,


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