Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January is the feast day of the black nazarene .   I remember our small black  nazarene way back during the 80's when my mother & father were still alive.  It was near Holy Week, my mother asked me to change the maroon clothing  of  the black nazarene that we owned.  I think my mother bought the black nazarene and then my father hired a carpenter to make an enclosed glass altar to be the "home" of the black nazarene.  That's how they  took care of it.

Going back to the changing of clothing of the black nazarene, at first I was hesitant to change its clothing.  I was a teenager and not confident if I could do it correctly.  I also felt a bit nervous doing the task that my mother asked me to do.  But I proceeded, I removed the maroon clothing of the black  nazarene and I felt a bit shocked -  underneath the clothing I saw crumpled newspapers, pieces of  dos por dos wood as body parts of the black nazarene.  I thought I'd be seeing a black ceramic hand, feet, body inside the clothing but what I saw look so dismantled. And it made me think.......I also felt disturbed. Despite of that I was able to change its clothing to a new one.  I finished the task that my mother asked me to do but I had questions  in my mind.

Even so, I did not know that it will be the start of my spiritual enlightenment.  Many years had passed, my parents had long been gone.  I had my share of joys and trials as  I journey not only through places but through life.  I dealt with all my questions one at a time. Eventually, that meaningful experience coupled w/ soul searching and prayers had led me to a personal relationship w/ God -  The Living God, my Jehovah Rapha (My Healer), Yahweh.

Above all, I would like to share w/ you this significant poem that touched my life way back during the 90's. It talks about what true happiness is all about.   I memorized  this poem by heart (maybe, I forgot some lines). However, I do not know who composed it.  But whoever he/she is , my heartfelt thanks.


I sought for joy in creatures
I tried human love to win
but these things did not satisfy
the world w/ all it's dim
till freed from worldly tumult
in a quiet room apart
I gave my heart to God
and found heaven in my heart

Author Anonymous

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