Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chemotherapy   just like other medical treatment is really an individual experience.  At first it sounds  very scary and expensive but it is worth trying if you really need it as treatment.  The fearful  feeling  hopefully will diminish as the patient goes through the process of acceptance of  her/his sickness, spiritual connection  to God - by simply talking to Him as your healer.  The psychological processing  is emotionally heavy. It might  take weeks, months or longer but it will really depend on your willingness to fight and win the battle.

Some tips on undergoing chemotherapy.

1.  Find a specialist Doctor like an oncologist that you feel comfortable to deal with. The one who  will cooperate to give you all medical requirements if you will be asking  medical assistance to institutions.  

2. Get second  or several opinions or check through the internet the nature of your sickness. Philippine Cancer Society  has  clinic for consultation . Listen/read other patients testimonies but be careful not to internalize their fears and worries.  Remember chemotherapy is an individual experience.

3. Try to lessen your anxiety by expressing verbally your concerns about your illness  to  God,  to your trusted  family members and to your doctors. You may also write down your fears and worries if it's difficult for you to talk it out.  Dzas/FEBC  radio station Tel. 6543322 and other counseling centers  have "OFF  the air" counseling sessions.  Also, try to attend a support group like  Carewell in Esteban St., Makati.

4. Be careful  w/ what you will eat  before &during chemo sessions. Some patients avoid coffee,  mango, citrus fruits, oily  food.  Some like to eat something sweet. Taste buds will be affected but usually it will come back to normal in a few days. Try to eat in small portions and drink  water.

5. Remember to use your Philhealth and PWD (Person w/ disability)  1.d discount card before paying hospital bills.  For  PWD card you may apply for it , just go to DSWD office .  Just bring all your true copy of medical records, i.d photo, authorization letter if somebody will get it for you.

6. When in the hospital request for the "sharpshooter" medical staff who will insert the IV needle to your vein if your vein is too thin. Otherwise just trust that the one in charge would find the right vein.

7.Do inhale exhale breathing exercises slowly when feeling  nervous and when needle insertion seems painful (usually pain is tolerable and just for a short while).  Feel free to ask your Doctor on how to manage pain if you have other physical pain.

8. Dextrose and all those hanging up should always be hanging up even when you go to toilet. Be careful w/ your hand w/ IV it should be downward, ask the nurse for the correct hand position.  Just call the nurse if dextrose bottle is nearly empty and if there's blood clotting.

9. When you go home protect yourself from anything contagious. Relax,  rest , sleep ,eat, drink water so time will come you will recover and survive by God's grace. 

Just remember many were healed by the greatest Healer.   Thank you for reading.

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