Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Meg Ryan's old movie  about family and how turning off the cellphone had helped her.

I'm wondering  what's the  title of Meg Ryan's old movie during the 90's or early 2000???  The movie is not as popular as the feel good movies of  Meg Ryan like "Sleepless in Seattle" & "When Harry met Sally".  I did not even finish the movie because it is not the entertaining type of movie.   Meg Ryan's role is she is the daughter of an alcoholic father and her  siblings  go to her for help and assistance.  She was stressed all the time in the movie.

 One day on the road, she had a minor car accident. And   while she is discussing how to settle the damages to the owner of the car that she accidentally hit, her cell phone  rang several times .The man(owner of the car) noticed how stressed Meg Ryan is as  she answers calls from her family. (this is not a love story).  He advised Meg Ryan to turn off her cell phone. She felt relieved. I cannot remember the title of this movie because it is not a popular movie but this movie  has a good idea - that oh yes, sometimes when stress is building up we should turn off our cell phones.  It  really makes  sense.Although it is also difficult to do.  I remember this movie because my cell is out of order today.

Moreover, I'm trying to discipline myself not to answer phones or turn it off in the church and in other functions that cell phones  should not ring or be answered. I think most people/callers/text senders  can wait and many of them are willing to wait so there is no need to hurry to catch all calls.  It is also good to assess ourselves if we are the ones pressuring ourselves to answer calls.What about you?  krinnnnnng krinnnnng. Cheers!Merry Christmas to all.

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