Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The CHURCH and the person living with HIV

The CHURCH and the person living with HIV 

One Sunday afternoon  I went  to a Christian Church inside the mall. Before the preaching the worship leader introduced to the congregation a young professional man who will give his personal testimony.  Personal testimony is a usual portion in most  Christian Churches.

The young man went on stage, he introduced himself. He said  he is a member of a small group in the Church.   We  (Church attendees) listened  to him  as he shared his struggles and weaknesses and how God guided him and lifted him from all his failures.

Then he opened up that he was diagnosed with HIV.  We felt a bit surprised by his admission because most people  would rather keep that private . And that is understandable ,confidentiality and privacy are usually respected when it comes to personal medical issues. He also  shared that he is a member of  a small group in the Church and his group   accepted him as he is. There was no harsh judgment on him.They (small group members)  even suggested to him that he takes another HIV test  because he underwent medical treatment already.

The man followed their advice he took another HIV test and he showed on the big screen of the Church the result ----

                                                        N E G A T I V E

We (church attendees) clapped with the good news.  I didn't  have  any medical background but at that moment I knew that can be considered healing.  Of course, we believed that   God can heal through  medical treatment and other means. Although, I  also heard from  AM radio  guest Doctor that  sometimes it is undetected.  The Doctor also encouraged the public or the person concerned to seek treatment as early as possible . He said treatment and medication is  F R E E and confidential   just check out information through Department of Health /DOH.  He added that there is a good chance now to manage the disease .

Personally, I felt blessed that I heard his personal testimony. He was so truthful , his personal testimony showed God's forgiveness and healing. I also admire  the small group members for being caring and non -judgmental in dealing with him.

I learned from his testimony that we should be kindhearted in dealing with persons living with HIV. Since, an ordinary cough and colds is much easier to catch than HIV.  And remember there are innocent people who have HIV. Besides, Scriptures  tell us that  "For ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glory".  

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